Snipers, marksmen, sharpshooters, chosen men - call them what you will, the individual who displays proficiency in hitting a target with the weapons to hand has always been valued in any army. Films such as Enemy at the Gate (2001) have helped to popularise Soviet snipers in World War II, although the state was not shy of exploiting their successes at the time, particularly when things were going badly for them.
This set is one of many game pieces for the Art of Tactic series, and the four figures can either be based separately as shown above or placed together as shown here to make a game piece. Although intended as just a game piece, such groupings are generally reasonable in themselves, although in this case it would be unlikely for a concentration of snipers like this to be seen in reality. Deployed individually or in pairs these are really excellent figures. We have one sniper firing prone and one kneeling. Another is moving forward and the fourth soldier is observing through binoculars - an important role for successful sniping. All the poses are great and very natural, which is achieved in part by every figure having a fair amount of assembly. Some parts are small and fiddly, or at least fiddly to put together when there is little to grip, but the results are outstanding as usual.