Divisions: A division represents a smaller scale unit (about ½ the size of a regular unit). Mark divisions with a division marker to differentiate them from regular-sized units.
Purchasing Divisions: Divisions may be purchased for half the cost of the base unit. All fractions of the total cost are rounded up (e.g. Japanese armor costs 7. Japan could buy 2 divisions for 7 or 1 for 4 (3.5 rounded up)).
Australian Division Characteristics (D12)
Infantry Division
Half Regular unit. (Fractions rounded up)
Armored Divisions
Divisions in Combat: When taking losses, two divisions of any type satisfy one casualty. When only one division remains in the territory, it is chosen last in combat.
Transporting Divisions: A division occupies one half the space of a regular unit on a transport (e.g. 4 infantry divisions fit on one regular sized transport.)
Division Limits: The number of divisions on the board is limited to the number of markers included in this set.
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