These are European Axis light tanks to be used in G40. My house rule is that all tanks start as light tanks. Light tanks attack at a 2, defend at a 2, move two, but no blitzing, and cost 5. These tanks can be upgraded at the cost of 1 to a medium tank though, up to 3 per turn.
HBG Customer House Rule 2:This rule is for Germany and it's Panzer's only. They may be provided to her allies via lend lease, and these tanks may be available early to Germany should they attain the technology sooner, otherwise, they are available as of the date referenced below.Panzer III Medium Tank - Part Number:BP-002-001Cost: 5Movement: 2Attack: 3(d6), 6(d12)Defend: 2(d6), 5(d12)Special: Able to Blitz and all other tanks that move 2 or more spaces after this time periodAvailable: July 1938
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